Tag Archives: corporate america

My Awkward Ass. Entry 1

Ok, so I briefly considering making this an entire separate blog by itself then I quickly dismissed that. It’s hard enough keeping up with this ONE blog which has my old blog linked to it.

Anyways, this is something that I will do regularly. I realized that though I consider my life mundane and unbearable at times, other people would probably be entertained by my day-to-day antics. In particular, my chronic awkwardness.

I look pretty and put together but truth be told, I’m quite clumsy and awkward. The latter of those 2 is often unnoticed because over the years I’ve become quite skilled at developing techniques to hide or diminish my faux pas. I decided to start documenting just some of the foolery that takes places daily…most times occurring OFTEN throughout the day.

This happened almost everyday last week and so far 2 days THIS week.

Ok, so it’s no secret I call myself “the Martian” and it’s for good reason. I get so lost in my own loud ass thoughts that I can actually look straight at someone and not see or hear them. I’m so wrapped up in the consuming and terrifying shit in my brain that when someone suddenly comes up to me asking me shit, it’s like waking up someone who is sleep walking. So because I’m startled but trying to appear professional and normal, when it’s time for me to actually let words leave my mouth, they just do what they want.

I was just saying shit that wasn’t even making sense to ME. It was one of those moments where you were talking but actually hearing the dumb shit you were saying whilst SAYING IT and it’s too late to try to correct it because it would just make you sound even MORE rididulous….Yeah. Welcome to my life as of late….

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Posted by on October 3, 2013 in rants, WTF


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